Monday, October 22, 2012

American Film Market

As we come down to the last few days before American Film Market begins, we find ourselves scrambling to put the pieces together to complete our movie for our sales rep.  The stress of making an independent film wears on us, with very few people to call upon for help, we find ourselves responsible for everything.  Our sales reps asked for some last minute changes, but in this process of making changes we find nothing takes just a few hours to do.  One change in the time line of our film, means hours of repositioning every single sound design piece.  I look forward to the day when we have the finances to hire help in this process.  But first you have to make something for anyone to believe in you.  Its the Hollywood catch twenty-two, you cant get anything until you have already done something.  So you must put your foot in the water, and begin to walk deep into the abyss.
I don't believe in being too attached to a project that you cant see out of it.  I have learned that you must being willing to make changes, because over all you want a product that is marketable for the masses.  Making a movie for just a few people is a waste of time in my opinion.  Especially in the beginning, until you have clout to make your dream projects, and the power to say, "this is it take it or leave it".
You must be willing to mold and change according to what is desirable to a buyer.  I have discovered this many times in the process of making our first feature film.
AFM begins next week, and I plan on reporting back on the progress our sales rep's make.  I am extremely thankful I don't have to sit in the business meetings, as an artist I think its good to have a bit of a distance from all the negative talk, that will surround our film.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The joys or not so joyful process of selling an indie film

After putting the word out on the street that we were in search of a sales rep, to help us sell "Home Sweet Home" we found our guys.  Among our options was a company that wanted 8500 dollars up front to sell our movie.  A huge red flag, that left us with major questions. After reviewing this company on we saw that they had many films under their belt, and they were far from a scam.  But the reality for us was that we do not have the money to hand over to someone on a whim of maybe being able to deliver.  I dont think anyone should want money up front, its like an agent asking an actor to pay them to rep them.  Anyone who reps a movie, or an actor should only recieve money after they secured a deal that brings in money for their client.
We are happy to sign a contract with a start up company, that was a perfect fit for our start up production company trying to sell our first feature film.  I am hoping this relationship will grow in the years to come, and that everything will move ahead smoothly.
Moral of the story, DONT pay anyone to rep you, there are plenty of agencies out there that wont charge you up front fee's.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Albuquerque Film Festival and all that jazz

I just returned to LA after two weeks of film festival awesomeness in New Mexico.  We premiered our movie "Home Sweet Home" at the Albuquerque Film Festival, where we WON audience Choice Award and Best horror Film.  We had a great turn out to our movie, and one of the highlights for me was speaking on a filmmaker panel with the legendary Alex Cox, director of Repo Man.  It was exciting to be among seasoned filmmakers, and to find we all shared the advice.  It really is all about "Just doing it" and not "thinking about it to much".  Take one day at a time, so you dont feel overwhelmed by your project.
We started creating an app, back in January, and we are still working on it now in September.  I dont think we knew it would take this long, or we might have never started. `But thats the key to success, just do what you can that day, and eventually you will have a finished product.  It was exciting to hear Alex Cox and his wife talk about this, about how important it is to take each task one day at a time.  Nothing is built in a day, and no man is an island.  You need to be patient, with the long term goal in mind, and surround yourself with creative dedicated people, who wont give up when things get tough.

We are now in the process of meeting with sales reps, to sell our movie.  This is a new and exciting venture I have never done before.  I will be documenting the process here.
And if you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Home Sweet Home movie link

I am so ridiculously proud of this movie, that our amazing, talented team did!!!!

This film is a great example of pure passion, alot of hard work, extreme talent, and very little money!!!
It goes to show you dont need a lot of money, you need alot of talented hard working people!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Penniless Producer

My production company has successfully completed a number of short films, a web series, and a feature film.  You may be asking how I did this with literally a shoe string budget. Well I'm goona tell you!!!
I got a job worked my behind off, for a certain amount of time, and I had a cutoff day, and then I quit and I poured my savings into the project I was doing at that moment.  And then when it was done, I did the exact same thing all over again. This is the only way I knew how to create my own projects with no one financial backer.
I also suggest finding a group of people who are passionate about the same things you are, and who are willing to be dedicated and hardworking, in the hopes to have a self sufficient production company.
My biggest advice for anyone who wants to make their own projects, is to take everything one day at a time, with a long term goal and deadline.  But dot think about the project as a whole, or you may get overwhelmed and give up. Just take each individual day, and pick one thing to do, and after MANY days you will have a finished project.  And it so worth while, when you are viewing something that was once just a thought in your mind.
So go out there and make your own movies, web series, anything that fulfills you, and helps move you forward to your life goals!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I have been pounding my head against walls for so long, as an actor, that is, not literally, that would really hurt.  I finally got wise nd decide to make my own movie's, tada, it was like a light went on in my little brain, saying why are you waiting for the phone to ring.  So I got wise, and I found a bunch of passionate crazy filmmakers and like minded people to make art with!!!! This journey began in 2008 and I want to share the crazy ride, with anyone who cares to learn from my mistakes, and maybe takes in a little knowledge that could help them do the same.  in the past few years I have put under my belt a number of short films, a couple of web series and a feature film.  I will document my advetures for anyone who cares to listen.

Flock the Series

I am so thrilled and proud of the show "FLOCK" where I play the character Beverly.  I got to be as evil as they get in this series, and I am so proud of every person involved.  We had a fabulous team, and I hope people will follow the show.  We launch a new episode every Wednesday!!! Only at
This is a true ninja filming project, and the people invovled volunteered their time to make it a reality.  Please enjoy the show, and spread the word!!!