My production company has successfully completed a number of short films, a web series, and a feature film. You may be asking how I did this with literally a shoe string budget. Well I'm goona tell you!!!
I got a job worked my behind off, for a certain amount of time, and I had a cutoff day, and then I quit and I poured my savings into the project I was doing at that moment. And then when it was done, I did the exact same thing all over again. This is the only way I knew how to create my own projects with no one financial backer.
I also suggest finding a group of people who are passionate about the same things you are, and who are willing to be dedicated and hardworking, in the hopes to have a self sufficient production company.
My biggest advice for anyone who wants to make their own projects, is to take everything one day at a time, with a long term goal and deadline. But dot think about the project as a whole, or you may get overwhelmed and give up. Just take each individual day, and pick one thing to do, and after MANY days you will have a finished project. And it so worth while, when you are viewing something that was once just a thought in your mind.
So go out there and make your own movies, web series, anything that fulfills you, and helps move you forward to your life goals!!!!