Thursday, March 14, 2013

learning from others---instead of comparing yourself

I have recently become addicted to other people's blog's.  Seth Godin is my hero right now, and I highly recommend his website.
I, like any other human being, struggle with jealousy.  I see others ahead of my path in life, and stomp my feet, and scream, WHY AM I NOT THERE YET!!
So I have been channelling that energy into learning from these people, and applying their advice into my daily routine.
Jealousy is a nasty feeling, and does nothing for productivity.  I want to surround myself with the most talented, hardworking, successful people I can find. Where there is jealousy there can be no nurturing.
So as I climb my personal hill in life, I look outward to gain wisdom and knowledge from those who have gone before me.
Everyone is a beginner, everyone started at point A.  Beginning is half the battle. I look forward to learning, falling, failing, getting back up again, and doing it all over again.
