Monday, April 26, 2010

Get up and go outside

We have become a generation of technology, so much so, that we communicate with the outside
world through our phone's more than even in person. I admit to sitting at a restaurant with real live people, while constantly checking my phone to see who is texting me. Tisk Tisk Tisk to me.
So my suggestion is, turn off the television, close the computer, leave your phone inside, and go for a walk, a long walk. The best walks are the one's that have no destination. Just pick a road and head on down (PS, leave the headphones at home) clear your mind and take in all the beauty that surrounds you. This is the perfect way to meditate, some say you have to sit in a quiet room, but the best meditation for me happens while I am in nature breathing in fresh air, and feeling the world around me. Get lost!! And discover a whole new area near your home. Find a park, or a hiking trail, even a cute little neighborhood to explore. You will be amazed at how refreshed you feel when you return, and how calm you may find yourself to be. I love the expression, "stop and smell the roses" how true this statement is, and how much we need it more and more as the world becomes an even faster paced place to exist in.
So get up and go outside!!!! pronto

Alexandra :)

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