Friday, December 17, 2010

Tis the Season To Eat, Drink, and be Merry

Hello All,

Sorry I have been silent for so long, life is crazy busy, and I haven't had a moment to write.

As the holidays are among us, with Christmas fast approaching, this is the time of year most woman dread. For their bodies at least, food is everywhere, and its delicious.
I recently discovered The Tracy Anderson Method. She is Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna's personal trainer. I started doing her 30 day workout and starting seeing amazing results. I ate her clean diet, and did her workouts religiosity. Now I am I using her method as maintenance, to keep my body in shape and firm.
Right now she is blogging constantly on her website about how to avoid those extra pounds we tend to put on during the holiday season. is where I go to read all of her current blogs, and if you search her on you will find most of her video's for FREE!!!! Her new book entitled "The Tracy Anderson 30 day Method" Is available in numerous books stores, including Borders, and Barnes and Noble's. I bought mine for 16.99 and it was far worth the price!!!!!
She is now my workout guru, as I am convinced she knows how to take any woman's body and give her the lean petite figure she has always wanted.

I hope you find this as exciting as I do.

Merry Christmas

Sending Love and Blessings
Alexandra :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

when I find something great I love to share it!!!

So I just heard about Gwyneth Paltrow's website, I just spent a few hours surfing this fun, informative, website filled with secrets only celebrities get. One thing I was excited to find on this web page, was free video's from her personal trainer!
My girlfriend and I were just talking recently about how all the actress's in Hollywood have the same body, a long lean perfectly fit figure. So obviously they know a secret we do not. And for most of us who cant afford a personal trainer, its very kind of Gwyneth to upload free video's for us regular folks. :)
I also recently bought a workout video put out by Marissa Tomei, done with her personal trainer, and after spending the last week doing this challenge everyday, I feel sore in area's I didn't even know existed!! I HIGHLY recommend it, and its only 20 minutes of your day. As my other girlfriend who recently did it with me, pointed out "Just when its getting really hard its over." Which means its a doable workout, that will really tone and define your figure. Cause seriously who doesn't want that? :)

sending love and blessings,
Alexandra :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fasting and the amazing healing that comes from it

Fasting has so many health benefits, when done correctly.

Our body was created perfectly, and with that creation, it knows how to heal itself.
My amazing Doctor Miller, has always testified to fasting (with just water) as an amazing way to keep the body healthy. Recently i have been reading allot about how people have cured themselves of Cancer by using a Macrobiotic diet. Well this makes sense, since the food is light and easy to digest the body has time and ability to heal the area's that need healing.
In the Bible God uses fasting as his surgical knife, it is not just a religious reason, it is because it has healing power.
When you think about, your body is constantly working to digest the food we put down the hatch, and since most people overeat on a regular basis, our body is ofter working overtime to break down all that food. But if you take a day to fast (not starve) you give your body a break, and it can focus on dealing with other area's of your body.
Dr. Miller says everyone should fast- 1 day a week, 3 days every 3 months, and 7 days once a year.
I use to fast every Sunday a few years ago, and always felt so amazing the next day. I am planning on returning to this way of life.
There are plenty of fasts on the market these days, lots of Juice fasts, and Toxic cleanses. But some of them have serious side effects, and aren't good for every body type (my friend did that Master cleanse, also known as the Cayenne Pepper Cleanse, and wound up in the hospital, with a hole in his heart) that is some scary stuff!! Recently I bought into a juice fast, and tried it, and was dizzy, lightheaded and nausea on day two, not good!!!
WATER is simply the best way to cleanse our body, because even juice has to be broken down in our digestive system.
I encourage you to try it (one day without food won't kill you, trust me all the food in the world will still be available the next day :)

love and blessings,

Monday, June 14, 2010

TV: America's favorite past time

Since January I have been living happy without owning a television. Recently due to my new roommate, I now have a TV in my home, but NO cable, and I plan to keep it that way. I personally do not enjoy watching TV, for the most part because I find myself wasting about an hour just flipping through channels to find something to watch.
When my now fiancee and I first started dating he would come over to cook me dinner, and since I had no filler background IE: radio or TV, we would have to find our own things to do to entertain ourselves. One day we pulled out my French book, and practiced speaking this beautiful language. Its one of my favorite memories, and I have to say I don't think it would have happened if I had a TV to watch.
I noticed how much I would get done at my house when I had no television to distract me. I read and wrote more, I do yoga and meditate more, I run out to the park for longer walks, sometimes I take two to three walks a day. My mind feels clearer and fresher without the infiltrating of mass programming into my brain.
Recently I was in a families home, where there was no Television in the living room. I was so impressed I began to probe the mother about her reasoning behind this. She went on to tell me that her children get along better when they do not watch TV. In fact their kids are aware of it, and agree not to watch TV. She told me that when they are allowed to entertain themselves with the Tube, somehow it brings out the worst in them, and they bicker and fight. Other families have confessed the same thing to her, and find life to be more peaceful without it. This conversation grabbed my attention, and brought into focus how I have been feeling without television in my life. Peaceful- would be the key word. When I spend too much of my precious time surfing channels I feel drained, tired, and unmotivated.
When I was kid we had one of those ancient television's with three channels to watch, and I remember getting to pick one program a week to view. Looking back I am so thankful for this, because most of my time was spent in my parents back yard building tree houses and forts with my brothers. I think about kids today, who have TV, computers, phones, and the list goes on and on, and wonder how can their imagination's grow and flourish, with all these modern day technologies feeding it to them.

So I am encouraging anyone to spend a few days TV free, and see how you feel.
I bet you will get so much done and feel so much healthier without it.

Alexandra :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I just have to share these two true stories!!!!

I just got back from working with a couple and have to share what I heard. Everything they said coincides with my past blogs. I worked with a married couple today, the man was 92 and the woman 79. I took the gentleman out on errands today, and we got to chatting away. He was vivacious, funny, witty, and a true pleasure to be around. He told me stories from when he was in World War 2!! At the end of our drive together, I asked him my favorite question, I ask all my clients who are in great condition, "what is your secret"? He laughed and said "well I'm not old, at least I don't think I'm old, and its what you think that matters." I LOVE IT!!!!!!! More confirmation that we can control our mind, and maybe even our future.
The latter part of this story is not as exciting, unfortunately but I must share it, because it backs up my belief and fear that medicine and drugs can be deadly!!!
My woman client has had allergies for 25 years, and for those 25 years she was taking a prescribed over the counter allergy medicine, and in the past ten years she developed breast cancer, where she lost both her breast, and had stokes. Well now they have discovered that the allergy medicine she was taking causes, cancer, and stokes, and has now been recalled ( wow, now they recall it,after this poor woman has suffered all of these side effects of this medicine). The Doctors have concluded that she suffered these two things, due to taking the allergy medicine. WOW this is so scary to me, sure the FDA says its fine right now, but then years down the line we find out the side effects, long after people have already had to go through it. Now she visits a holistic Doctor to deal with her allergies, and both her and her husband live completely drug free lives's. That is awesome for people of their age!!!
I just had to share these stories, and with that will continue to beg, plead, and even steal (:) people to stop using medicine, or at least look into the alternative before doing so.

Alexandra :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Acid Reflux disease-AKA- the horrible, embarrassing, painful burb disease, and how I cured myself DRUG free

For anyone who knows me, knows I'm obsessed with holistic ways of healing. The only Doctor I visit is my Osteopath, Dr. Miller, who never prescribes drugs. He works out of Boston=and BIG shocker= health insurance company's do not cover his visits. Well of course not, because insurance companies don't actually want you to be healed!!!! So unfortunately I only get to see him once in a awhile.

About five years ago I developed acid reflux disease, it was painful, embarrassing, and annoying!! At a loss for what to do, and unable to fly home to see my Dr. Miller, I spent my hard earned money to visit a regular Doctor. Upon my visit he did not even examine my body, and prescribed me with the Purple pill. Which I know only mask's the problem, but does not heal it. I walked out of that room furious, a couple hundred dollars poorer, with no solution.

So I started doing research, and began a slow, patient process of healing myself-drug free.
I talked to Dr. Miller, and a few other holistic healers, and learned that acid reflux disease is when your stomach moves up into your ribs. So you literally have to push your stomach down and retrain it to stay there. This is how you can do that-which I started calling "treatments".
I would lye on the floor with my knee's up, taking three deep breathes into my stomach, on the fourth breath (holding it) I would place my thumb in between my ribs and push my stomach down as I exhaled. I could feel and hear my stomach releasing back to where it belonged. Repeating this procedure a few more time's until I felt complete relief. I started frequently giving myself these "treatments" whenever I had an attack of the burbs or heart burn. In addition to "treatments" I became very aware of what I was eating, to figure out what was causing the problem. I had to change my diet, and weed out the things that gave me attacks. I stopped drinking coffee, alcohol, and eating fried food, temporarily, until my body was healed, and able to handle them again. Overtime I began to have less and less acid reflux attacks, and eventually I had none. :)

Of course this took time, it didn't happen overnight, but it was worth it. Drugs are just a quick fix, that can have serious long term negative affects on your body. It is very unsettling to me, how much medicine is being shoveled down people's throats. There is an alternative way to healing, if were willing to take the time and be patient to do it. I know so many people are struggling with acid reflux, and if there is anyone out there who wants to discuss this further, please leave a comment, I would love to help in anyway. (The "treatments are hard to explain through words, but I can go into greater detail) And if anyone is using Nexium, or the purple pill, I strongly encourage you to STOP. It will never cure you, only continue to mask the symptoms.
Our bodies are so precious, and we only get one, and it needs to last a long time, so please be kind to it.

Alexandra :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

YOGA- and why I'm obsessed with it

I am obsessed with yoga. Now I know there is nothing I can say that's different than all the magazine's have already said. Yoga is all the rage, and is completely mainstream now. But I can share my personal experience with you, and the benefits it has given me.
Talk about something that can make you healthy from the inside out!!!

Born an athlete, in a city outside of Boston, infatuated with sports, yoga was completely foreign to me. When I moved to Los Angeles many moons ago I was introduced to yoga. My first impression was that it was for sissy's. I played soccer and basketball, and I was a tough girl.

But one day I caved, and allowed my girlfriend to drag me along to a class , and honestly I have never been the same since. I was hooked, I felt so calm, and centered. The traffic in LA gave me insane road rage, but I remember that day I didn't care who cut me off, in fact I was happy to let them do it, cause I felt so good inside.
I immediately signed up for one month straight, with a teacher called Mark Blanchard, and at the end of that month, my body and mind had never looked or felt so good. I couldn't believe it!!! After years of running and going to the gym, and pushing my body so hard, in the end it was yoga that transformed my figure into something I had always dreamed of.
A few years ago I had to give up running due to back problems, and now I only do yoga and go for very long walks. And I have to say, it continues to keep me in the shape I want, and keeps my aches and pains away.
Yoga is also an amazing gateway into meditation, it helps center and calm me, and gives me insight into my emotions. I notice when I'm in the middle of a yoga session and my mind is wondering all over the place and I cant hold a pose, that I need to do some meditating, or go for a long walk. Which in turn helps me figure out what is going on inside myself that has me distracted or possibly upset. It forces me to face myself, and than I can acknowledge it, deal with it, and move on in a healthy way.
Yoga has benefited me in so many different ways, how can I not share how amazing it is!!!

I'm sure most of you are well aware of the benefits of this exercise, but if there is anyone out there who is not. I strongly encourage you to hit up a class sometime, there are plenty of donation only classes, and see how it may improve your body and mind. And if your worried about the price of classes, please don't let that stop you from practicing. Honestly, I bought a couple DVDs, and do it everyday in my living room.

Yoga, can help make you healthy from the inside out!!!

Alexandra :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Go have one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alexandra :)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Mind over Matter: If you dont mind than it doesnt matter

I believe our mind is a very powerful tool. We have the ability to choose our emotions. When we wake up in the morning we can decide how to take on that day.

My Great Aunt Helen lived 94 years, alone in a big old Victorian house in Massachusetts, with out any outside care. She thrived with a healthy mind and body all the way till the end of her days. One day I asked her what her secret was, and she responded with a thoughtful pause and said, "You know, I never worried about anything, I always looked on the positive side of things, and I saw the good in everything. "

WOW, what a tremendous statement to ponder!

Could our minds really effect how we will turn out at the end of our lives?

Can it affect how we live each day?

I believe the answer is YES!

There is a reason for everything,and we can choose to look at the good in all that happens to us.

I, like most of you, have been through my share of trying times. But I try to link the wonderful things with the bad, and see the beautiful purpose of why I was to go through it.

I wake up thankful for another day to enjoy my loved one's and the world around me.

On my last job, a man told me he was annoyed with my happiness. I laughed and said, " I would rather you be annoyed by my joy, than by my mean, bitter, complaining attitude". :)
Researchers have done studies on people who were struggling with the same disease, and the one's with a positive outlook recovered and the one's without did not.
Now I'm not saying this is the case for everyone, and some people do struggle with serious depression. But if we have a choice, why not choose joy?
Wake up singing!
Embrace the good we have, not dwell on the bad.
For me it is a constant thing to be aware of, and I am always stopping to check in with myself, to see if I'm complaining, or if my mind is filling with negative thoughts. And if so I try to flip my state of thinking, and literally say one thing I am thankful for and rid myself of the latter.
We have the ability to choose joy, anger, love, bitterness, kindness, jealousy, forgiveness.

"Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious-the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not the things to curse."
Philippians 4.8-9

Why waste our precious time on anything else?

I am going to challenge myself this week and encourage any one who wants to join me, to think only on these things and be conscious when I'm not.
And see how I feel at the end of each day. I'm wondering if by doing so, can I prevent myself of an illness I might have had in the future? In the mean time I'm hoping to be a more pleasant person to be around and to enjoy every moment to the fullest.

Alexandra :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

what really matters at the end

One of the many jobs I cram in my schedule is being a companion to the elderly.

A job I cherish. Spending time with people who have been in the world fifty-sixty years longer than me, is a pure treat. I love to listen to their stories, all their fascinating life experiences. Things I have only heard about in books, being told first hand to me. But what I hear the most is about all their families, wives, husbands, children, grandchildren. No one ever talks about their careers. I've worked with men who's wall's are lined with plaques from NASA. But all they wanted to talk about was their wife. This has really made me stop and think. A career obsessed person myself since I was in high school, now discovering that at the end of our life all that truly matters is the people around us.

Such a great reminder that we won't be here forever and neither will our loved one's. No better time than the present to tell them you love them, because the present is all we have.

I highly recommend spending time with the elderly. They are so fun, and filled with great stories. Find a nursing home in your area, and spend one day volunteering, you might just get back more than you could ever give away.

Alexandra :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

contiplating vegatarianism

So I have discovered that if you want to eat meat, DON'T do research about meat.
After reading many books and articles on the way meat is processed and how the animals are treated I have not been able to look at meat the same way. For the past month I have eaten little to no meat at all. Now granted I have yet to be able to become a vegan, due to my absolute love of eggs and cheese, plus being a vegan in my opinion is virtually impossible if your not rich.

I have been buying vegetarian burgers, bacon, and chicken nuggets and have found these to be extremely tasty. I do not miss meat all, with all these healthy wonderful ways to substitute it. I believe that we are what we eat, and this goes for anything we put into our body, so the next time you shovel something into your month, take a moment to contemplate WHAT you are putting into your precious body.
I believe everything in moderation is a very valid statement, but i believe it was invented before slaughter houses became only obsessed with the dollar bill and not the growing and selling of healthy animals.

I have to admit, I have felt so much better this month of living a meat free diet, my body seems to be thankful for this change, so I will continue to please it.
I want you to feel better too, so maybe if you have time this week pick up a few books with research on slaughter houses, a few example's are "Skinny Bitch" and "A Kind Diet".
And see for yourself if what you read doesn't make you think twice about devouring that hamburger. Because we ARE what we EAT, so we should be educated on what is going into our beautiful, glorious, God given gift of a body. Trust me, no one else is looking out for you, not the FDA, or any other company that claims they are regulating your food. NOPE. ONLY YOU!!!

Alexandra :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Get up and go outside

We have become a generation of technology, so much so, that we communicate with the outside
world through our phone's more than even in person. I admit to sitting at a restaurant with real live people, while constantly checking my phone to see who is texting me. Tisk Tisk Tisk to me.
So my suggestion is, turn off the television, close the computer, leave your phone inside, and go for a walk, a long walk. The best walks are the one's that have no destination. Just pick a road and head on down (PS, leave the headphones at home) clear your mind and take in all the beauty that surrounds you. This is the perfect way to meditate, some say you have to sit in a quiet room, but the best meditation for me happens while I am in nature breathing in fresh air, and feeling the world around me. Get lost!! And discover a whole new area near your home. Find a park, or a hiking trail, even a cute little neighborhood to explore. You will be amazed at how refreshed you feel when you return, and how calm you may find yourself to be. I love the expression, "stop and smell the roses" how true this statement is, and how much we need it more and more as the world becomes an even faster paced place to exist in.
So get up and go outside!!!! pronto

Alexandra :)

Getting healthy from the inside out

Hello All
welcome to my blog.
Here I will talk about how to get healthy from the inside out, how to
love life to the absolute fullest.
I will encourage and suggest idea's on how to live the most enriched life possible.
I will share my own personal experiences along with other's I have heard.
So please continue to stop my blog, to get day to day updates and lets enjoy life together.
Don't forget to stop and look around you, you will be amazed at all the beauty that surrounds us :)
